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A few months ago, a man named David hooked me up with some totally free Vitalicious coffee. Estuvo bien. Not too long after that, he introduced the Hottie hubby and I to Novelle’s Maqui Superberry.
What is Maqui? have you ever heard of Noni Juice? Well, Maqui Superberry is like Noni Juice, but supposedly better. From what I have read it is what I would call a little wonder berry!
Seeing as though the Hottie hubby and I are would you would call a little natural or “granola,” we have been seeking alternative services for combating, alleviating, and thwarting the symptoms and aggravations caused by his early onset psoriatic arthritis.
Becoming “arthritic-man” at such a young age (30) took my spouse and myself by surprise. My spouse has always been active–having played football well into college, followed by running, biking, and backpacking post college. In addition to being fit, he ate reasonably well prior to his relatively recent whole foods knowledge, avoiding numerous processed food even in his teenage years.
David sparked my interest when he discussed that Novelle’s Maqui Superberry aided in decreasing symptoms caused by arthritis. Additionally, because the product would be offered and shipped to us for totally free I was hooked. but the final clincher that grew in me a belief that the medicinal properties of this drink could be significant was the fact that one of my favorite whole foods authors, Jordan Rubin, began carrying it at his online store . . . I grew much more trustful of trying this whole food touting amazing benefits from ingesting. What is this Maqui Superberry? I haven’t seen the actual berry, but the juice is a deeply purpled liquid. It tastes like blueberry/cranberry juice. This berry comes from Chile. The superfruit grows in an area where the Mapuche Indians live and harvest this nutritious food. It is claimed or inferred that by drinking Maqui the Mapuche Indians have remained an unconquered people group for generations.
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Traditionally, the Mapuche Indians ingested Maqui because they discovered that it appeared to support stamina, enhanced their strength, and promoted a healthy immune system. Scientifically, the Maqui Superberry does have the potential to accomplish or aide the body in accomplishing these much desired bodily attributes.
The Maqui Superberry drink has been evaluated and found to have an ORAC value of 4396. What does this number mean? ORAC stands for Oxygen radical Absorbance Capacity. The ORAC number is a measurement that shows the antioxidant capacity of different foods.
What then is an antioxidant? Well, you want to eat a diet high in antioxidants because they are believed to play a role in the free-radical theory of aging. In short, antioxidants help the body to avoid cell damage. If you don’t have viable antioxidants available in your body, then your body is not able to fight free-radicals, which are atoms with an unpaired electron desperately seeking stability by becoming married to an electron. In an attempt to achieve stability, the atom will steal, kill and destroy to get its electron, which implies cell damage in your body. once the process of stealing electrons starts, it can become a snowball effect. The older you get the much more damaged cells can accumulate in your body, which would seem to me . . . una cosa mala.
At 1 tablespoon a day Novelle’s organic Maqui Superberry provides:
the highest antioxidant value (compared to products such as Noni Juice, Acai, POM Juice, and Goji)
supports healthy inflammatory function
aides in a strong immune system
protests cells from oxidative stress
neutralizes totally free radicals
supports cardiovascular health
and is an outstanding source of Vitamin C and Potassium
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My conclusion: This stuff tasted great. I wanted to have a tall glass of Maqui Superberry over ice. now the Hottie hubby was not in agrement with me concerning taste. I can’t say that we saw signifigant health benefits from drinking Maqui.
However, I don’t question the fact that it could be very useful to other individuals, especially those who don’t practice a whole foods lifestyle like the Hottie hubby and I do. If you have had success with Noni Juice, I think that Maqui Superberry might be a better choice.Ahora es tu turno de hacer la investigación. Te he dado mi opinión laywoman y agradezco tus pensamientos y aún más explicaciones sobre los valores de ORAC, antioxidantes, las bebidas libres de radicales y Superberry.
¡Gracias por leer!
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