Mojo for the holidays – CONTEST!!

By orsho

¡Compartir es demostrar interés! Cuota Pío Cuota Are you waiting on January 1st to begin your weight loss program? Have you resigned yourself to the truth that you’re most likely going to get weight during…

¿Por qué molestarse con los cumpleaños?

By orsho

¡Compartir es demostrar interés! Cuota Pío Cuota A medida que me acerco a otro cumpleaños, me ha llevado a preguntarme sobre los por qué y por qué por qué consideramos que estos tiempos en nuestras…


By orsho

curious about amber teething necklaces? If you didn’t know, those little orange beads you sometimes see around chunky baby necks aren’t just a fashion statement. They’re actually amber teething necklaces, a homeopathic teething remedy. When…

Why We need God more Than ever

By orsho

Sharing is caring! Cuota Pío Cuota I have been thinking a lot lately about the direction our country is going and comparing it to what our founding fathers envisioned.  As a history major in college…